
Our FALL MEETING will take place in Rhode Island as we take a “SAVE THE BAY” cruise past many (18+) lighthouses and stop to have lunch on Rose Island by the lighthouse.
For more details, please see the latest NELL News

Click on link below to see more info from the
Save the Bay website

To sign up for this trip, please click HERE to get to the sign in form.

On May 18, 2024, NELL visited Pomham Rocks Lighthouse. After that we met up to listen to our guest speaker Sally Snowman and her husband Jay Thomson. Sally was the last keeper of Boston Light and gave us talk about the history of Boston Light. The next day, we had our group meeting in West Greenwich before heading to Watch Hill Lighthouse.

The winners of NELL’s fundraising drawing were picked May 19th at our Spring meeting in West Greenwich, Rhode Island.

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